Thursday, 8 February 2007

Taleban v NHS

Sgt Paddy Caldwell was shot in the neck in Afghanistan by Taleban.

He got a blighty and not a bosh, but true to RSM Lloyd's old dictum - paras do not die without permission because the devil hates standing to attention when we get there - he pulled through.

Shipped back to the UK to Selly Oak - the centre for medical treatment for wounded where Muslim "brothers" get to piss on wounded toms because they have the guts to serve Britain - he gets MRSA which nearly finishes him off when the Taleban couldn't.

Military casualties should not be in civvy wards - and should not be treated by civvy doctors and nurses unless they are under the control of the military and answerable to them - these patients are not in for hip replacements or heart by-passes - they're in hospital because they've been shot up, blown up or otherwise injured because they are casualties of war and that demands a very different standard of care.

Time we took care of our own and veterans deserve better - they have the same rights as all of us, difference is, they put their lives on the line to make sure we have those rights in the first place.

L/Cpl Matty Hull - Blue on Blue

I watched the furore over the release of the tape by the Sun of the A10 cockpit tape of the blue on blue cock-up that resulted in the death of L/Cpl Hull in Iraq.

Fog of war or bloody gung ho incompetence - take your pick but the guy is dead.

One thing about the orange panels - they are bloody useless and always have been, not to mention their use is well known so if you're going up against opposition there's nothing to stop them from using any piece of orange rag.

What pisses me off personally is the arse wipe diplomatic/political crap that has been going on with keeping this quiet - "classified" my arse - there is sod all in that tape that isn't to be found in a host of flight sims that spotty geeks are playing right now.

Feeble bloody excuses by US civvy arsewipes like David Johnson, #2 of the diplomatic mission at the US Embassy London that don't give a shit about the death of a grunt, especially a British one and a couple of nights ago was interviewed on UK TV news - he's more concerned about how this tape got leaked - and that is what really pisses me off, one of ours is dead and several wounded and he is worried more about who leaked the tape ?

The phrase craphat springs to mind but slime sounds better.

If the US wants British military support - British men and women putting their lives on the line - cut the crap and be honest with us or fuck off and fight your own wars.

Answer me this - the fierce fighting is in Afghanistan and Brit troops are the ones dealing with the fight there in Helmand and Kandahar and where are the bloody sceptics ? Bitching about being in Iraq ?

Seems to be somewhat fubar'd given the whole reason to go to war was 9/11 and Afghanistan was where the attack was launched from backed by Saudi money - so why aren't the sceptics in Afghanistan and what has Iraq got to do with this in the 1st place ?

I can't say if the A10 pilots, Popov35 & 36 screwed up or not - I don't know - but the aftermath of trying to bury this by the US and the UK stinks - Blair should remember we're Bulldogs not fucking poodles.

RIP L/cpl Hull